Friday, December 21, 2012

Word #355 and 356

This photo was taken out the car window as
we slowly made our way to I-5.  This main freeway
had been closed for about 90 minutes while the 
plows did their job. We managed to get home 
after several hours of slowly driving 70 miles 
and going over two mountain passes.
I-5 is the main arterial for the west coast going
from B.C. Canada all the way down south to Mexico.

24 hours later it is still snowing and blowing gusts
up to 50-70 mph. Our first real taste of winter as
last winter was pretty mild. The snow drifts are amazing.

1 comment:

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I want a blizzard here!! I haven't seen one for over 15 years!