Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Words # 201,202,203,204,205,206

Finally my lap top is fixed....
and I'm baaaaack!

Giant rhubarb
Giant sunflowers 
Designer ketchup

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Word #196

When we moved from a large home to a smaller one we didn't
realize how much "stuff" we had accumulated until then.
So I have this pile of rolled up oriental rugs that don't
have a floor to be on-so now they ger rolled up and put
 in a safely mothballed closet. Poor things. 
I am all for finding new homes for them,
but Russell is quite ready yet.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Word # 194 and 195


It's been a week of irritations.
Pesky gray squirrels and chipmunks
have nibbled down to the ground all
my dill and cilantro. Grrrr.
On top of that my lap top's hard drive
went T.U. and finally and most importantly
our well pump is beginning to fail.
Today is Friday the 13th- I think I'll just stay home
and have a Sierra Nevada Torpedo.....
Cheers everyone and have a good weekend.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Word #192

We observed that the little Stellar Blue Jays were
getting ready to leave the nest yesterday.
This little guy could not get back up to the nest last night
-not sure if he fell out or was pushed!
But this morning he was high up in a tree and the other
two flew out this morning.
Very fascinating to see this event- we never had the
opportunity before.